Vegan semi-permanent enamel

Heidy Claddy: Vegan Semipermanent Nail Care Polish in 120 Colors

Vegan nail polishes are born the Free concept, free of formaldehyde, dibutyl phthalate, toluene, phenol-formaldehyde resin, camphor, xylene and Diethylhexyl Adipate. In addition, all of them do not contain parabens and are not tested on animals and their formulas are composed of ingredients for nail care such as biotin, green tea, our packaging is recyclable and our customers receive surprise gifts for recycling our packaging.

Choose your favorite color from our product catalog with 105 colors.

uv/led drying lamp

Manicure without cutting cuticles

Push, don’t cut the cuticle
In that case, how can we beautify cuticles without cutting them? Emmanuelle Dieudonne recommends “removing the skins around the nail delicately with the cuticle pusher and cutting with the cuticle
cuticle pusher and cut with the cuticle nipper. This will leave the nail impeccable and healthy”. In this way, we will only be cutting dead skin, but we must be careful not to damage the rest of the nail.

Cuticle Soak and Push: Start by soaking your hands in warm soapy water or cuticle oil to soften cuticles. Then, use an orange stick or cuticle pusher to gently push back the cuticles.

Cuticle buffing: Use a soft nail buffer to gently buff the surface of the cuticles. This can help remove dead skin cells and give a more polished look.

Exfoliation: Apply a mild hand scrub to remove dead skin cells and improve cuticle texture.

Moisturizing: Apply a moisturizing cream or cuticle oil to keep skin and cuticles well hydrated.

Optional polish: If desired, nail polish can be applied after preparing the nails.

Heidy Claddy vegan triple technology facial serum with hyaluronic acid, Retinol and Vitamin C.

DESCRIPTION: Made in Italy, we have 9 organic certificates free of animal cruelty, without parabens, dyes or flavorings 30ml.

Triple technology facial serum contains hyaluronic acid, retinol and vitamin C. With three serums in one product, you’ll save money and have more benefits than other brands that require you to purchase each serum individually.

Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid:

Hyaluronic acid is highly moisturizing to the skin and its properties act on the skin by repairing, hydrating and fighting free radicals that impact skin aging and cause the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. With age, the natural production of this substance decreases. Over the years, the skin loses moisture and therefore also its firmness and elasticity. The application of Hyaluronic Acid corrects this imbalance and helps prevent these problems by restoring the moisture the skin needs while helping to rejuvenate the skin and increase its regenerative capacity.

Retinol Benefits: Retinol is a perfect ally for acne-prone skin.

Retinol is not actually an exfoliant, but its great value is that, at the molecular level, it normalizes the ongoing process of cell renewal.

What does that mean exactly? Well, it helps skin cells regenerate and replenish themselves properly so that the skin’s barrier function (which protects us from any type of external aggression, such as UV rays) is maintained.

Benefits of vitamin C
Strengthens the skin’s barrier function and helps keep the skin’s moisture content high.
Hydrates and firms, promotes radiance and gives the skin a radiant appearance.
It soothes irritation in sensitive skin, calms redness and reduces inflammation.
Thanks to its depigmenting action, it reduces sun spots and promotes smooth and clear skin.

Heidy Claddy Facial Rejuvenation Device with Radiofrequency and Red LED Light

Device for facial rejuvenation.

D15 facelift devices.
For a lifting at home Here you have the daily care with radiofrequency and Red LED light To deflate the skin, improve blood circulation and increase collagen production and in the weekly care you have the electrocorporation that closes the pore for a short Period of 3 minutes opens and allows the skin to absorb any product with 100% efficiency and this is how cell regeneration is provoked and slows aging.

With the purchase of this device you will receive a free serum with triple anti-aging technology

Dispositivos de estiramiento facial D15.

Para un lifting en casa Aquí tienes el cuidado diario con radiofrecuencia y luz LED Roja Para desinflamar la piel, mejorar la circulación sanguínea y aumentar la producción de colágeno y en el cuidado semanal tienes la electrocorporación que cierra el poro por un Periodo corto de 3 minutos se abre y permite que la piel absorba cualquier producto con un 100% de eficacia y es así como se provoca la regeneración celular y se frena el envejecimiento.

Con la compra de este dispositivo recibirás gratis un sérum con triple tecnología antiedad.